This year, we changed our name from SumoMe to Sumo.
Turns out, dropping the “Me” is a bit... expensive. To the tune of:


Million Dollars

Making us the:

83rd Most Expensive Domain Ever.

(Take THAT, Merica!

If you think about it, that makes the letters “M” and “E” each worth more than a Ferrari Enzo.

M - $750,000

E - $750,000

We dropped the “Me” because it’s not about us. It’s about you. Trust us — if it was about us, things would have gone a bit... differently.

We could’ve bought

1,079,136 Cans of Alphabet Soup.

(Then we’d have ALL the letters.)

Or get our Lead Engineer / movie buff Eric

150,150 Yearly Subscriptions to Netflix

Which means he could watch every movie on Netflix simultaneously in

5 Minutes.

(It’s like The Matrix, but less Kung-Fu.)

We could have reserved a Tesla 3 for the entire city of Clarksville, Tennessee.

Population: 149,176

(Sorry, Clarksville)

Or feed each of them

6 Crunchy Taco Supremes from Taco Bell

(Consider us even, Clarksville)

We could’ve bought this house in Austin to party in for SXSW... except it only has

2 Bedrooms

($1.5 Million for 2 BEDROOMS?!)

And since we love whiskey, we could’ve taken

338 Shots

of the world’s most expensive whiskey.

(Half of these would go to Justin)

But Sumos need their belts, so we would’ve grabbed

28,301 Mawashis

And had a city-wide Sumo wrestling contest.

Or left a Google Maps-esque trail of money from Austin to Houston.

146 Miles

(If a tornado kicked up, it’d be a Cashnado)

But we didn’t do all that.

We spent $1.5 million on our name to show you how serious we are about being around forever.

In the coming months and years, we’re investing way more than $1.5 million into our products and, ultimately, you. We're building big things to help your business grow faster and stronger. Come check it out.

Sign Up For Sumo

-The Sumos